
About Us

Majvor and Göran are the owners of this lovely old farmhouse in southern Sweden. We welcome our guests to rent our accommodation during the summer season.

We have been living in London for many years where we owned a Swedish restaurant. After this closed in 2017, we were longing for more time in nature and couldn’t think of anything better than spending time in this beautiful area, Österlen.

It has stunning open landscape, friends, family and the area is well known to attract creative inspiring people for a variety of backgrounds.

Our vision and plans for the future include retreats, art courses, delicious food and socialising. We have many returning and new guests to our accommodation.

Göran is a chef and restaurateur with a long history within his profession.

We first met 1978 in the archipelago outside Stockholm where we both worked during the summer season. When winter set in we moved to West Africa where we were employed at a hotel. Here we parted company for 25 years!

During these years Göran started his own businesses within restaurants and hotels in Sweden.

Majvor is an Occupational Therapist, and worked within psychiatry for over twenty years in London. After a trip back to Sweden one Summer, we met again!

Between us we have four grown up children and to date, six grandchildren who we love spending time with in this lovely environment.

We look forward to welcoming you and your families,

Majvor Darnton & Göran Landh